Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Thursdays part one

We'd been warned about Thursdays. It started however, pretty sedately, Tai Chi at 06.00 followed by the by now normal excruciating stretches, some relays and Qi Gong (another slow, internal martial art) in a pretty wooded area next to the school.
Then we had to hit trees (poor trees)...then we had to kick each other...really.
Apparently it conditions us to attack, so we won't be easily defeated by the sudden pain of a hit as we'll be used to it! Hmm...

This was all before 10 o'clock. The rest of the morning was spent learning about acupuncture and cupping from Master Wu, sadly he doesn't practise any more due to his age (no idea, probably 80+) as we have lots of aches and pains that could do with some help. Funnily he randomly stuck needles into the people sitting too close without asking permission (mental note- sit in the back of this class).

This afternoon is power training which we're told is horrific, watch this space...

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