Monday, 17 February 2014


Part metropolis, part post apocalyptic ghost town, Christchurch is an interesting place. We didn't really get to see the sights though as our two days in town were spent indentifying, buying (remarkably quick process, off a nice kiwi chap who was emigrating to Vietnam) and equipping a campervan (full internal and external clean, new storage boxes, new kitchenware, hinge fixing, oil filling, new bedding, new front windscreen- thankfully paid for by someone else and stocking the larder), and buying second hand mountain bikes (which we've got a buy back deal for in Auckland in a couple of months). Fingers crossed we can sell the van on post the tourist season, although even if we don't it will still have been cheaper than a rental option or car and motel combo.
When we weren't preparing we did manage to sneak to the farmers market, the container town (the centre of town is now a series of shops and cafés in ISO containers whilst they repair all the buildings) and a fantastic burger joint (called burgers and beers in Sydenham).
Cheers Christchurch, you've been great.

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